11 February 2012

bAcK 2 nOrMaL LiFe,.!!!

year 1 semester 2,diploma in physiotherapy student,. fewhhh,.!!! agak susa la gak an even baru 2 minggu aq start class,. letih sebab class makin pack sebab kene repeat pper,so ade class extra,. letih kot,. bukan kot,memang letih tahap gaban,. kurang rest tiap2 ary so bila jmpe weekend,. waaa,.!!! nikmat nya,Alhamdulillah,. da sebab aq bz ngan class,malam2 sentiase letih tambahan pulak uwa da start keje and kne krje syift malam,. so,kami da jarang contact each other but last 2 night,i can't sleep,. then i sent a text msg 2 him,told him that i can't sleep n remember him,miss him mybe,,. daa~ haha . that time,da jam 2.30 am mybe,. baru nak golek2,pelok2 bantal,tonyoh2 selimut kat muka.dalam jam 3.02 am,. dy call aq tnye npe xtdo lagi,. then dy bebel2 jap dalam 5 minit,. da la time 2 waktu keje dy,. ya3,i know aq da ganggu dy waktu kje,. alaa,nak wt cmne kan,. da t'ingat,. pastu dy sruh aq tdo,. lepas end call,xlme 2 aq t'lelap,. haha. kelakar jew,. emm,after this i just can call him on sunday only lah kan,. sokeyhh la,. dulu da biase mcm nie mse ngan dy dulu,. what ever it is,this semester i need 2 focus,. no time 2 play anymore,. and he ask me the same thing also,. focus 2 my study first,. no need 2 think other,. thanks coz always supporting me,. i will supporting u 2 in all condition,..

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