18 January 2013

biLa anDa diPerHatikan

assalamualaikum.. tengok atas.!!! tengok tittle.!!!! bila baca,korang rasa selesa ke bila diri korang diperhatikan??? semestinya TIDAK!!!! mehh nak kabor,... ara rasa diri nie diperhatikan dalam kelas.. ya Allah....!!!! tak selesanya.... macam nak jerit jew kat si tutttt tu 'hey,what are you looking at???' tapi tak terkeluar.. dapat bayang tak apa ara rasa bila everyday i have to face this BOY.!!! ya.. boy.. he is younger than me.. rasa tak selesa nak duduk,nak cakap,ketawa,berjalan bila diri nie diperhatikan.. rasa macam sentiasa tak kena... rasa macam nak change class jew.tak sanggup nak duduk class tu tapi sayang dengan class tu cos all my classmate gila2,sporting..takkan just b'coz this 1 boy ara nak change class kan.. so terpaksa la biarkan jew dia nak buat apa.. mata dia kan.. bukan mata ara.. so tak ley nak halang dia drpd pandang ara.. huhh,takdo idea den nak bebel panjang2.. before this panjang2 jew update.. sorry la all my lovely readers.. kepala hotak nie asik di'push je tiap2 hari.. so tak banyak idea nak menaip.. 0oo,ara maybe jarang update skrg sbb ara bz dengan class skrg... so sorry once again. :) goodbye 

coTceT 2013

assalamualaikum... ya Allah...lama rasanya tak update blog nie.. Bismillahirohmanirohim... i think this is my first update for 2013.. still in January so i'm still not late to say 'HAPPY NEW YEAR'!!!! syukur Alhamdulillah masih diberi kesempatan utk bernafas tahun nie.. secara rasminya,kalau mengikut tahun ara dah pun berumur 20 TAPI ikut bulan belum ea.. yelah,baru jew pegang tittle 19 pada 21 dec lepas kan.. sayang nak lepaskan.. hari nie genap 1 bulan 1 hari ara kat tempat kursus nie.. Alhamdulillah,everything is ok.. i can adapt the lifestyle here even it's totally just like school hostel,rules here and there but this is the time to make me more dicipline.. the best moment is when you are twenty but around u is 18 y/o girls.. then i get tittle 'mummy' in my room because i'm the elder in that room.. the girls here all are friendly and i love them so much.. i never feel have a lil sister before this and now i have 14 of them.. how exciting rite????  hehehe,that all.. bye.. haha . i have the best topic after this.. wait yaa..