17 March 2013

ais kepaL.!!

hai.!! assalamualaikum. ha,ape pashal lak entry nie bertajuk ais kepal? sebab dia punya isi,inti bercampur aduk. mcam2 story ada. OK.!! first of all. a few days ago,ara baru jew update setelah sekian lama menyepi DAN baru sebentar tadi,ara check viewer meningkat and ara tengok semalam punya viewer ramai. hamboi,hamboi,hamboi.. sapa yang dok stalker,dok baca nie? hehehe,. kamu?? awak?? you?? *salam thank you sebab sudi tinggikan viewers ara. jasamu amat dikenang. now second story. as u all know,or you didn't know that I already quit from college. quit from medic course. why?? just forget about it because i don't want to remember about that anymore. and after that,i took a short english course 100% totally supported by FELDA at kelana jaya for about 2 month and half. and now,i just stay at home,waiting for the graduation day on this May. and what is my planning for the future?? ha tulah yg memeningkan ara saat nie,ketiko nie,loo loo nie la nie.!! naik kedut2 dahi sebab berkerut tak sudah mikir tadi. OK..!!! disebabkan ara dah berangan nak jadi cikgu biasa2 lah kononnya,or receptionist or what so ever lah. ara fikir nak amik TESL but there is one more course yg mcam ok dgn ara kat KPTM tu that is ENGLISH COMMUNICATION if i'm not mistaken.! it's more about to be a writer or a journalist.! nak tau kenapa ara pening. sebab tetiba ara teringatkan blog ara nie. ara nie kira rajin dan suka menanip jugak org nya but,!!! aku tak reti la nak menulis berita or gosip or fakta and so what ever tapi.!!! minat tu dah ada. bila mikir balik,mcam nak krja dlm sektor tourism,and the thing is should i take tourism course if I want to work in that sector??? if i have to take tourism course, it have a lesson about marketing!!!! no way.! so now,i'm totally confuse. and now at 2.20am i still awake coz i'm feel dizzy.!!

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